
CS300: Couchbase NoSQL Server Administration

32 hours
2495,00 €
Classroom or Live Virtual Class
Classroom or Live Virtual Class


NoSQL technology was pioneered by leading internet companies — including Google, Facebook, Amazon, and LinkedIn — to overcome the limitations of 40-year-old relational database technology for use with modern web applications. Today, enterprises are adopting NoSQL for a growing number of use cases, a choice that is driven by four interrelated megatrends: Big Users, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing.

Couchbase has established as one of the databases NoSQL market leaders, being used by developers around the world to build and create web business, mobiles and Internet of Things applications that support huge and massive volumes of data at real time.

Participants will deploy and manage, throughout the course, Couchbase Server clusters for core NoSQL database use-cases and workloads. Furthermore, students learn and practice the main architectural concepts and procedures an administrator needs to know to operate Couchbase Server for real-time OLTP enterprise workloads.

PUE is Couchbase Official Training Partner authorized by Couchbase to deliver official training in Couchbase NoSQL technologies.

Furthermore, PUE is accredited and recognized to offer consulting and mentoring services on the implementation of Couchbase solutions for business environment with the consequent added value in the practical and business knowledge delivered in their official courses.

Audience and prerequisites

This course is intended for future Couchbase Administrators, DevOps engineers, Systems engineers, developers, managers and network administrators that want to Couchbase Server from an Administration and Operations perspective.

Participants must require previous experience in any one of the following job roles: systems admin (Win32, UNIX, Linux); or DBA; or other networking/systems/cloud technology. No prior database experience is required; however, knowledge of relational database technology is helpful. No prior knowledge of Couchbase is required or assumed.


By the end of this course the student will be able to perform the most critical administrative tasks such as:

  • How to install and configure Couchbase Server
  • Run benchmark testing against a realistic POC cluster while monitoring its health
  • Cause auto-sharding of clusters
  • Backup and restore a cluster
  • Add and remove nodes
  • Assign roles to nodes enabling MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scalability)
  • Troubleshoot a live cluster

Each student will create their own fully functional 3-node Couchbase cluster in one data center and replicate the data via XDCR to a single node in another data center. The student will be able to demonstrate best practices and diagnose and resolve the top ten current operations issues.


Overview, architecture and installation of Couchbase server software

  • Overview of Couchbase Server architecture and capabilities
  • State the core use cases for Couchbase
  • State the number of vBuckets used in the construction of a Couchbase database (Bucket)
  • Name the method/object Couchbase server uses to determine which Couchbase node to contact for I/O
  • Recognize and implement current hardware sizing guidelines for different workloads on a Couchbase cluster
  • Recognize the installation and best practices guidelines for configuring Couchbase in production

Installation and configuration of Couchbase server software

  • Recognize and implement current hardware sizing guidelines for different workloads on a Couchbase cluster
  • Operate the Web Console to administer and monitor Couchbase for production operation
  • Demonstrate use of the command-line toolkit to administer Couchbase
  • Create, delete and modify a Bucket in a Couchbase cluster
  • Examine the Couchbase file system structure to determine common file locations for data, indexes, analytics and logs

Security within a Couchbase cluster

  • Name the access control mechanism used in Couchbase to control access to a given cluster
  • Add users to a Couchbase cluster at a given access level (RBAC) and test access
  • Configure and test auditing features in a given Couchbase cluster
  • Name the types of security used for transport of data between application servers and Couchbase clusters
  • State the security protocol used between Couchbase clusters

Software Development Kit

  • Install a Couchbase Software Development Kit (SDK) on a node outside the cluster and execute simulated workloads into a Couchbase cluster
  • Create/delete a key-value pair in a Couchbase cluster
  • Determine where a given key-value pair is located within a Couchbase cluster

High Availability, Add/Remove nodes from a cluster

  • Determine from a given set of conditions the best definition of a failure domain
  • Configure Failure Domain Awareness (Rack Awareness) for two racks in a Couchbase cluster
  • Rebalance a cluster after adding, removing or failing over a node(s)
  • Name the three methods of performing a software upgrade to a Couchbase cluster

Indexes, Views, Full Text Search (FTS), Eventing & Analytics

  • Create indexes on a couchbase cluster for use in a production environment, including Primary, Secondary, Composite, and Covering
  • Construct an FTS index service(s) and perform a text search of an FTS service index
  • Construct an Eventing service(s) example and demonstrate eventing operation
  • Construct an Analytics service(s) example and demonstrate analytics queries

Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR)

  • Setup and configure Cross Datacenter Replication(XDCR) between two dissimilar sized Couchbase clusters
  • Modify replication threshold values and measure cluster behavior during XDCR replication between clusters
  • Configure in-transit encryption between Couchbase clusters
  • Setup, configure and measure Network Time Protocol (NTP) for use in conflict resolution strategies between clusters

Backup and Restore

  • Name the three different types of backup levels
  • Perform an online backup and restore of a cluster using command-line tools

Benchmarking, Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Performance

  • Troubleshoot a Couchbase cluster for common configuration issues
  • Name the tools used to benchmark and monitor a production cluster
  • State the method Couchbase server uses to delete and recover disk space in operation
  • Name the two methods of configuring Compaction within a Couchbase cluster
  • Perform a manual compaction of a given Couchbase bucket
  • Examine ejection and working set management within a cluster under varying workloads
  • Use command line tools to collect Cluster State information for use in troubleshooting a Couchbase cluster
  • Examine Log Redaction controls in a Couchbase cluster

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