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Years of knowledge, experience in the professional implementation of Chef in agile deployment of infrastructure and our position as a leader in the field of ICT training, have led us to achieve recognition by the multinational Chef as Official Training Partner.

This alliance promotes both the incorporation in our educational offer of official courses designed by Chef as the best way to learn to use and apply its technology, but also the accreditation of PUE to provide consulting and mentoring in implementing solutions of this multinational.

As one of the main DevOps tools, Chef meets the maximum as a primary benefit: the automation and optimization of processes in the configuration, installation and server management.


Highlight the many benefits and advantages in which every organization and professional in Systems Administration should consider training in Chef and use in terms of efficiency and productivity:

  • Scalability.
  • Possibility of having a DSL high-level code to describe a setting.
  • Potential and adaptability of the tool.
  • Drastic reduction of documentation generated.
  • Maximum productivity in managing of multiple parallel public, private and clouds particularly hybrid systems, something increasingly widespread with the rise of Cloud.
  • Change of approach needed precisely because of the many systems that every manager should handle today: From “server management” to “configuration management”.
  • Excellent infrastructure visualization configured through the Web interface Chef.
  • Using Search, which enables information consultation from other servers, in turn facilitating Clusters configuration in a very simple way.

Links of interest:

Barcelona headquarters +34 93 206 02 49
Madrid headquarters +34 91 162 06 69